Spent last days with the 3D printer. Got a huge 60h print that has taking lot of time to CAD and tweak, but the first slice out of 5 is loaded as we speak. Very excited to see how it turns out. One of my main challenges with the inside wall is to design a
Day 4 of CMWS19 Coolermaster Modding World Series
Day 3 was mostly Fusion concept itterations to decide on a path with the great exeption of the 2nd pump bracket. Started day forth fairly late as I had regular workday (as most of us do) but decided to start working on the front of the PSU shroud and the pump top cover. First piece
CMWS – Day 2 – Coolermaster Case Mod World Series 19
Waking up to a successful print is a great feeling. Waking up to a successful print on the second day of CMWS19 is an awesome feeling. Happy with my pumpbracket. Fits perfectly. Snaps in place with just a little push and will not only keep the two pumps in place, but will help keep the
CMWS19 – First day of modding in Coolermaster World Series 19
First day of modding. Super excited. Started at 6am with breakfast and a long session in Fusion 360. Can’t say I felt bad with a Coolermaster T-shirt and a Alphacool coffeemug in my hand. First thing was to start 3D-printing to maximize work hours. Print while doing other stuff. This is just a small piece,
CMWS19 – Day 1 – Competition modding begins
Just look at that beautiful case. Will be hard to mod this amazing thing and still keep it as clean as possible. For me, this entire mod is about taking away enough to get more attention to the case, but enough to make it a real mod. Find that balance will be the big challenge.
Unhidden | Tribute – Coolermaster C700P CMWS19 competition mod
Ever since the first Cosmos I have had a dream to own that case. When the C700P was released I knew I HAD to own it and mod it. Making it extra special for me to enter the CMWS19, both on the 10th anniversary, but also with this amazing tower. The idea of the mod
Backside cable management solution
For me it is always extra fun to reach the backside of a project. It is fun, it gives me the opportunity to sleeve and it is a milestone that state that a project is close to the end. I started in Fusion 360 to get a feel for what I wanted to make. Went
Painting exterior acrylic case parts Angl3d Ti Zeuligan
It’s always equal part joy and frustration when you reach the painting part of a project. It’s the mark of getting close to assembly, but it’s also a very time consuming and sometimes frustrating part. This time more then usual with two disasters. With a new living situation I had to be creative to be
Bottom RGB led strip 3D printed bracket
I often mod for clean design and practical solutions. This was also my intention when I started to sketch on the solution for the bottom RGB led strips from Corsair. Did a design in Fusion 360 for a led holder for the Corsair Lighting Node Pro strips I won in Sweclockers mod of the month
Vertical GPU bracket GTX1080Ti for be quiet! Dark Base Pro 900
The case will be so packed with water cooling, with it’s dual pumps and dual reservoirs I felt I needed to position the GPU in a different way. Was also important to create balance. Many polygons in this project. Very easy to go overboard. Cranked out the MB backplate and my 1080Ti covered in beautiful